Signing up for Monet is super easy!

There are two main steps:

  1. Navigate to the Main discord and create an onboarding ticket, we’ll assist if there are any problems!
  2. Follow the following guide for signing up 👇

Onboarding Guide to Monet

1️⃣ Enter and connect wallet -

2️⃣ Signup: Click “Create Community” - each step should be self explanatory. Please fill all information

3️⃣ Verify project ownership: To verify ownership of project, please link your Twitter and add an discord invite link to your server

4️⃣ Enable community raffles: To enable community raffles and allow your community to create raffles and share revenue with you, go to “Community Raffles” - add discord ID for roles you want to include. Click "Activate". More detailed guide here:

MONET: Setup community raffles as a project

5️⃣ PFP and Banner: Please add a PFP to "Logo" under settings. This will enable Monet to tweet that your project is verified.

6️⃣ Monet Secure Discord Integration: Make sure to integrate Monet into your discord via a secure webhook. Best to create a #monet-raffles channel and set it up for this one.

So what this facilitate is that when someone picks your community in their raffle, the raffle gets auto posted to your server. This gives the raffle some exposure and in return, you as a project gets a cut from the % fees from ticket sales of that raffle, creating a win win situation.

The following raffles will be posted:

MONET Discord Integration